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Cover of How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad by Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad

This How Do Dinos book was the editor’s idea, but I took to it with gusto–as did illustrator Mark Teague. How many times have those of us with children (or who are next door to neighbors’ children) seen toddlers through five-year-olds have massive meltdowns? All of us! And who could

Cover of How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies by Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?

So the wonderful editor of the Scholastic novelty books, Jeff Salane, and I were having lunch in the Scholastic cafeteria, and we were looking for new How Do Dinosaurs novelty projects to complement the regular books. Having just finished a cook book with my wonderful daughter Heidi (taste-testing recipes can put

How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Birthday by Jane Yolen

Book Trailer for How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Birthday?

Editor Bonnie and I came up with the birthday idea more or less at the same time. But I struggled with it for several years, kept putting it aside and bringing it out again. Nothing rhymed with party (except farty and smarty) or birthday. It was a good idea with a decided lack of easy …

Cover of How Do Dinosaurs Laugh Out Loud? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

How Do Dinosaurs Laugh Out Loud?

This is what is called a novelty book, and it has lots of dino-stickers to add to each double page along with one of my silly dino rhymes. Or the dino stickers can go on a child’s shirt. Or a classroom GOOD WORK page, etc.

Cover of How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read

Near the very beginning of the Dino-STY, as I call the How Do Dinosaurs 6/books, I wrote a short book about How Do Dinos Learn to Read that Scholastic made into a small paperback giveaway for teachers. And then every year after that I said I wanted to do a big book about it but everyone