Letter from Phoenix Farm, A

Photographs by Jason Stemple
Richard C. Owens 1992
ISBN# 1-878450-36-0 Owens hardcover
The editor at Owens, a small educational publisher, asked me if I’d like to write a picture book autobiography for a newly created line of photo books. I said only if my son Jason, a professional photographer, could do the photos. She agreed readily, loved his work, and so Jason’s first book was published. This gives young readers a close up and personal look at my writing life here at Phoenix Farm.
See Jason’s description of this book.
What reviewers have said:
- “Jane Yolen is a versatile author who is as comfortable writing picture books as fantasy and science fiction for adults. This photo essay is a charming glimpse into her life style as a writer and editor. Color photographs show Jane at work at home, Phoenix Farm, talking with children at a school, writing, editing, composing music, even being critiqued by her husband, and finally enjoying an evening with her family.” — Children’s Literature
- “These autobiographical accounts read like conversations with familiar friends. The authors’ words draw readers into their lives, and the excellent full-color photographs of home, working environment, and family help children participate in their worlds. … Certainly these books would encourage children in their own creative activities.” — School Library Journal writing about the series
- “Though more children are doing author studies in school, there’s a lack of materials aimed at this grade level. These refreshing books combine good, simple writing and appealing photographs with a series idea whose time has come.”–Booklist