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Cover of The Giant's Farm by Jane Yolen

Giants’ Farm, The

This gentle little easy reading chapter book is one of my books that simply got lost. That is, it had nice reviews and few sales. I never understood why. The story is about a house-proud spider and her friend, Bluebottle Burt who helps her keep her web clean. There is a nosy, loud-mouthed bird, and as a bonus, a song at the end.

Cover of The Seeing Stick by Jane Yolen

Seeing Stick, The

This original fairy tale about a Chinese princess who is blind is one of my own personal favorites. Surprisingly, I started it after reading an article in the magazine “Field and Stream.” When I first read a draft to my writing group, the last line was not in place. One of the writers asked, “Is the old

Cover of Rounds About Rounds by Jane Yolen

Rounds About Rounds

This mammoth collection was my second song book. Babbie Green is a good friend and professional musician. (Her father was Johnny Green, a Hollywood composer and arranger.) We had a ball working on this. I picked all the songs, found the written music or sung it into a tape recorder and then

Cover of The Hundredth Dove by Jane Yolen

Hundredth Dove, The

Six of these seven fairy tales are totally original–“The Hundredth Dove,” “The Maiden Made of Fire,” “The Wind Cap,” “The White Seal Maid,” “The Promise,” “The Lady and the Merman.” The seventh, “Once A Good Man,” was based on an old story. This was the third collection of fairy tales I wrote

Cover of The Sultan's Perfect Tree by Jane Yolen

Sultan’s Perfect Tree, The

I actually wrote this original fairy tale in answer to something illustrator Ed Young said. He’d originally signed on to do the art for the book “The Seeing Stick” and then pulled out of the project saying “I can’t work on this because the princess is not perfect.” (In the book she is blind and a whiner, though

Cover of Hannah Dreaming by Jane Yolen

Hannah Dreaming

The Springfield Museum was putting together a doll and dollhouse show and asked me to write a little story that they could use as their catalog. Allen Epstein, a local photographer, was assigned to work with me. I wrote a story about Hannah (portrayed by my daughter Heidi) who goes into the

Cover of The Lady and the Merman by Jane Yolen

Lady and the Merman, The

This original fairy tale was first published in the magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction before joining others in my collection of HUNDREDTH DOVE and later NEPTUNE RISING. It is clearly autobiographical as I was always trying to please my father. There are 100 numbered and signed copies plus

Cover of An Invitation to the Butterfly Ball by Jane Yolen

An Invitation to the Butterfly Ball

I wrote the first draft of this counting rhyme on the drive home from New York City. Normally a three hour drive, it took me over five hours as I kept pulling off the road to scribble stuff down. Revisions took another couple of days. Very rare for me to work so quickly. The repetitive verse, in which the

Cover of Simple Gifts: The Story of the Shakers by Jane Yolen

Simple Gifts: The Story of the Shakers

Editor Linda Zuckerman was on a trip through New England and came across several Shaker sites. On the way home, she stopped for tea and asked me if I’d be interested in doing a non-fiction book on the Shakers. As I’d always been fascinated by them, I readily agreed, and after a year’s worth

Cover of Milkweed Days by Jane Yolen

Milkweed Days

My children and our acres of milkweed inspired this book about the day in the life of a little boy and his brother and sister. Local photographer Gabe Cooney took the pictures. The children were four, six, and eight at the time. We called the title page picture of Adam in the photographer’s oversized